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Faith H. Wallace, Ph.D.

Web Developer. Professor. Writer. Hogwarts Student. Doctor Who Companion.


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Okay, so maybe I am not a student at Hogwarts… I am sure I'd be sorted into Ravenclaw! And, maybe I am not a Doctor Who companion… But wouldn’t time traveling in the TARDIS be amazing.

My career started, not in magic, but in education. I taught middle school English before I went back to school full-time to earn a Ph.D. in teaching and learning (in the field of reading education) from Georgia State University, and worked as a Professor of Literacy at Kennesaw State University (GA).

I chose to leverage my background in education for a new career as a Web Developer with an affinity for clean, classic web design with original and well-commented code. My expertise spans HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Bootstrap, and complex problem solving with a keen attention to detail. Knowledge in using APIs and NoSQL databases such as Firebase. Understanding of Functional Programming philosophy and methods. Starting to learn React library.

Want to know more? I was interviewed by Izenda. Read that interview HERE!

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Tic Tac Toe

Klingon Translator

Doctor Who Adventure Game

Virtual Pet

There is so much more to see. My Eyeshadow Application, a Black Panther Shell Game, a Harry Potter Pig Game and more!

Want to see more of my projects? Send an email or check out my GitHub repos .

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Don't Suck at Teaching Code


Learning Styles
Atlanta's Dev Fest
ConnectTech 2018

Want to see more of my presentations? Send an email or check out my GitHub repos .

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Code For America

Code for America is a national organization that believes that technologists can come together with government volunteers, nonprofit organizations, and everyday citizens to try to find creative technological solutions to civic problems. The Atlanta brigade, Code for Atlanta, hosts monthly civic hack nights. Civic hackers can be programmers, data scientists, graphic designers, civic organizers, entrepreneurs, government employees and anyone willing to get his or her hands dirty solving problems.

I am proud to be part of the leadership team for Code for Altanta. Currently, I am the lead developer with Bank on Atlanta, a non profit orgnization to help low-income, low-literacy citizens learn about financial literacy, take classes to learn about prededary lending, and safely secure the money they have. The first phase of the website can be found HERE. Additionally, I am part of the Civic Tech Immigration Coalition, a group dedicated to finding technological solutions for the disaster happening at the boarder and with immigration as a whole in this country.

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